.. _quickstart: ========== Quickstart ========== :ref:`Go Home ` Setup ----- Before downloading 0-Meter, you will need a few things installed: * Python 2.7 - Can be downloaded [here] (https://www.python.org/) * pyzmq * apscheduler * kafka-python Once you download Python, you can run the below commands to install the other dependencies: * Linux `sudo pip install apscheduler pyzmq kafka-python` * Windows `python -m pip install apscheduler pyzmq kafka-python` Use --- 0-Meter is designed to be easy to use. It is a command line python script, and all of the software is contained within the .py file. Once the dependencies are installed and the repository cloned, using the script is as easy as running the below command: `python 0-meter.py config.xml` Configuration ------------- Continue on to :ref:`configuration` for more information!